Sunday, 17 January 2016

Review Policy

General information

I am currently accepting select Adult, Young Adult, or Middle Grade books for review. You can send emails to

I accept print & kindle ARCs, finished copies, and audiobooks. If the book is a part of a series, then I may need the previous books. If you are requesting an audiobook review, then I may request a print copy of the book as well. In the case of audiobooks, there will be two reviews: one for the story, and another reviewing the reader/audio performance.


I accept Adult, YA, and MG fiction in the following genres:
  • Fantasy
  • Historical fiction
  • Fairy tale/myth retellings
  • Paranormal 
  • Mystery
  • Gothic horror/romance
  • Contemporary
  • Poetry
I am NOT accepting books in the following genres:
  • Non-fiction
  • Memoirs/modern biographies

Accepting Books

I will make every effort to read and review in a timely fashion and with regard to release dates, but I prefer to receive a book 3-4 weeks prior to when you would like the review posted.

Please note: I schedule my posts weeks in advance so some consideration is welcomed.


I will write a review for almost every book I finish. Many reviews will also be posted on Goodreads, though not all and they may be modified. My reviews are written in a relaxed manner reminiscent of a conversation among friends. They are not meant to be objective literary critiques. 

I write fair and honest reviews, but this does not mean I will always write positive reviews. My reviews are my opinion, and if I don’t enjoy a book then my review will reflect that.

With that said, I strive to explain why the book in question did not work for me personally. I do NOT write nasty or snarky commentary about the author.  

If I do not finish a book I may write an explanation for DNF-ing. These explanations are different from standard reviews and will state that I did not finish the book, what page I read up to, why I did not finish, and if I plan on ever picking up the book again.  

Review Structure

All reviews will include the following: 
  • Cover art
  • Book stats: Title, author, Goodreads or amazon ratings, My ratingspublisher, edition (I read ), release date, series status, ISBN, ASIN, Order links
  • Blurb/ Synopsis/ Summary
  • My review: The tag line, full review and some favourite quotes.
  • About the Author
  • Author's Social Links 
Star Rating:

5 stars                        =  I loved this book and want to own a copy! **

4.00 to 4.99 stars    = I really enjoyed this book. It wasn't a perfect match for me, but I really liked it.

3.50 to 3.99 stars      = Probably the most commonly used rating, 3.5 stars is for a book that was                                           "above average," though not perfect for me. This is a good, solid rating.

3.00 to 3.49 stars          = I liked this book overall, but there were enough things that bothered me to                                         affect my enjoyment.

2.00 to 2.99 stars          = Significant number of things I didn't like that negatively impacted my                                              overall enjoyment, though I may still have liked some parts of this book.

1.00 to 1.99 stars           = I really didn’t like this book at all. 

 ** For those books that were extra special for me. Sometimes they moved me emotionally or made me think deeply about a topic. Sometimes they were beautiful stories. Most of the time they were the books that I need to own and will reread over and over again because I love the characters and story.

***Ratings are based on my personal enjoyment of the book and are not meant to be objective ratings.


I am happy to host a giveaway for you! My criteria for hosting giveaway books is the same as that for review books. Please refer to the the genre, publisher, and book format requirements for review books.

Entries will be compiled using Google Docs or Rafflecoptors and the winner will be chosen using

If you would like me to host a giveaway for a book, please be sure to include the following information in your request:

  • Title/Author
  • Format of the book (ARC, hardcover, softcover, audiobook)
  • Shipping requirements (US, US/CA, or International)
  • Run time of the giveaway
  • Any additional information you would like included (photo of prize, blurb, signed?, etc)

Author Guest Posts and Interviews

I am happy to host authors on Golden Books 24*7! 

If you would like to be featured on Golden Books 24*7, please email me with the following information:
  • Your name and the name of your book
  • A brief description of your book (or link to Goodreads)
  • Do you prefer a guest post or an interview? Will you provide a topic/questions or would you like me to? *
  • The month/date you would like to be featured**
  • If you would like to include a giveaway ***

*Please note: If I have not read your book yet and you are coming up with your own guest post topic, then I prefer, but do not require, you send me a copy of your book.

If I have not read your book yet and I am coming up with the guest post topic or interview questions, then I require a copy of your book and 3-4 months advance time to read your book. If this is not possible for some reason but I'm still intrigued by your book, then we can try to work something out.

** Please note: I schedule my posts weeks in advance, so some consideration is welcomed.

*** Please note:  I could host a giveaway for you but unfortunately at this time I'm not personally donating anything. 

Requests to Host Me On Your Blog

Thank you for your interest! I am honored, and I am also happy to participate in an interview.

By ,
Sona Dasgupta 
Official Blogger of Golden Books 24*7.
(The Review policy has been posted with the help of the publicly provided draft by the Small Reviews. Thank You Small Reviews! )